Projects in Hiatus
Projects that have not been worked on in over a year and/or we have lost contact with the director. Only visible to staff.
Don't Judge a Book by its Cover by rosalea12
Status: Chapter 2 of 13 in Current Production
Listen to completed chapters here
Go here to read the text version of this fanfic
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: T (PG-13)
Summary: The Doctor gets recognized by a girl he's never met before, nothing new for him since his life doesn't happen in the right order. But she claims she's never met him either. So how does she know who he is? And is she really what she appears? 11/OC, but not as a couple.
Director: rosalea12
Sound Editor: rosalea12
Staff Overseer: Sauron Gorthaur
Central Cast
Narrator (Chapter: ALL) - Miss Mary Mack
Leah Jackson (Chapters: ALL) - rosalea12
11th Doctor (Chapters: ALL) - Michael Hall
Luke Smith (Chapters: 6 – 12) - AVAILABLE ROLE
Minor Cast
General Roxx (Chapters: 2 – 3) - AVAILABLE ROLE
Stormeggedon/Alfie Owens (Chapters 3 – 4) - AVAILABLE ROLE
Sofie Owens (Chapter 4) - AVAILABLE ROLE
Craig Owens (Chapter 4) - AVAILABLE ROLE
Captain Jack Harkness (Chapters: 5, 9 – 13) - Rock Erekson
K-9 (Chapter 6) - AVAILABLE ROLE
River Song (Chapters: 6 – 7, 10 – 11) - AVAILABLE ROLE
2nd Leah Jackson (Chapter 7) - AVAILABLE ROLE
Ianto Jones (Chapter: 8 – 9) - AVAILABLE ROLE
Rhiannon Davies (Chapters: 8-9) - AVAILABLE ROLE
Mika Davies (Chapter 8) - AVAILABLE ROLE
David Davies (Chapter 8) - AVAILABLE ROLE
Alice Carter (Chapter 9) - AVAILABLE ROLE
Stephen Carter (Chapter 9) - AVAILABLE ROLE
Barmaid (Chapter 10) - AVAILABLE ROLE
Jenny (Chapters: 10 – 13) - AVAILABLE ROLE
Susan Campbell (Chapter 13) - AVAILABLE ROLE
Forlorn by Jay
Status: Chapter 2 of 19 in Current Production
Listen to completed chapters here
Go here to read the text version of this fanfic
Fandom: RWBY
Rating: T (PG-13)
Summary: Love is selfless. It's patient, faithful, and true. But it's also painful when the feelings are not reciprocated. And with the promise of trying involved, hope makes it all the more difficult to bear. Can Yang learn to love Blake romantically, or will their efforts be the end of their friendship?
Director: Jay
Sound Editor: Jay
Staff Overseer: Razzle
Central Cast
Narrator (Chapters: ALL) - Jay
Blake Belladonna (Chapters: ALL) - Stella
Yang Xiao Long (Chapters: ALL) - Cassandra Martinez
Weiss Schnee (Chapters: 1, 3 – 7) - Shiloh K. B.
Ruby Rose (Chapters: 2, 4 – 8) - Asteroth24
Minor Cast
Nora Valkyrie (Chapters: 3 – 6) - Krystal Kearns
Jaune Arc (Chapters: 3 – 4, 6) - Stephin Woods
Lie Ren (Chapters: 4, 6) - ToadPlayer64
Sun Wukong (Chapters: 4, 13) - Minnesota Troy
Neptune Vasilias (Chapters: 4, 13) - Zachary Burnham
Pyrrha Nikos (Chapters: 5 – 6) - Jeanette M. Erbe
Glynda Goodwitch (Chapter 5) - vanitypride
Adam Taurus (Chapter 5) - Bret Omura
Thug Joel (Chapter 5) - Jared Brooks
Thug Mark (Chapter 5) - CJ Landis
Raven Branwen (Chapters: 7, 12) - Inkydust
Ozpen (Chapter 7) - Raymand McNeil
Taiyang Xiao Long (Chapter 8) - Justin Moreno
Qrow Branwen (Chapter 8) - Quentin "Quix" Smith
Winter Schnee (Chapter 12) - Haley Floyd
This story is fully cast.