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By Frotu

Rating: K+ (PG)

Length: 06:03:18

Chapters: 27 of 40 posted

Haldir's agreed to take on the task of rehabilitating Sauron out of his evil ways, but Sauron isn't going down without a fight!

Characters: Haldir & Sauron

Fanfiction Author: Frotu

Directed by: Sauron Gorthaur

Narrator (Chapters: 1-2): Anonymous
Narrator (Chapters: 3-40): Cary Reese
Haldir (Chapters: 1-12, 15-40): Razzle
Sauron (Chapters: 2-11, 13-40): Sauron Gorthaur
Elhith (Chapters: 5-12, 15-17, 21, 23, 26-28): Joey Martin

Other Elves (Chapters: 1, 3): Sauron Gorthaur, AzureSkye23, Darkenemal

Feanor (Chapters: 1, 3): Lysana
Namo (Chapters: 1-4): Jeb Makula

Namo (Chapters: 14, 39): Rafael Del Valle, Jr.
Merenwen (Chapter 3): Silvertongue90
Golrandir (Chapter 3): Mary Sue Granny
Maian Woman (Chapter 4): Niki Brogen
Terendul (Chapters: 10, 15): Daniel Garand (Dalgara)
Vanimo (Chapters: 10, 11, 13, 15): Michael Hall

Manwe (Chapters: 13-14): Glenn Murray
Eonwe (Chapters: 14, 39): Eldurrino
Elven Woman 1 (Chapter 25): Sauron Gorthaur
Elven Guard 1 (Chapter 25): Darkenmal
Elven Guard 2 (Chapter 25): Carlos José Guerrero
Osse (Chapter 25): Caden Nahf
Uinen (Chapter 25): Millie Smith
Rumil (Chapters: 28, 38, 40): Mister Han 2000
Orophin (Chapters: 28, 40): Jonah Reginek
Lalaith (Chapters: 28-33, 38): Hakotori
Elven Shop Owner (Chapter 32): Gregory Wright
Elven Sailor 1 (Chapter 33): Darkenmal
Elven Sailor 2 (Chapter 33): 
Elven Woman 2 (Chapter 34): Wanabwrestler
Frodo (Chapter 34): Adam Stickler
Raudwen (Chapters: 35-36, 40): Niki Brogen
Sidhwe (Chapters: 35-36): Enrique Gurule Jr.
Mithrandir (Chapter 37): 
Haldir’s Mother (Chapter 40): 
Haldir’s Father (Chapter 40): 

Read the text version of the fanfic here!

Chapter 1:

Haldir's Assignment

Chapter 2: Sauron Loses His First Staring Contest

Chapter 3:

Feanor: Elf or Fairy?

Part 1

Chapter 3: Feanor: Elf or Fairy?

Part 2

Chapter 4:

Why Won't Sauron Just Grow Up?

Part 1

Chapter 4:

Why Won't Sauron Just Grow Up?

Part 2

Chapter 5:

Sissy Names for Sissy People

Chapter 6:

Sharing the Love

Chapter 7: Happiness Stinks

Chapter 8:

The Descriptive Chapter Dun dun dun!

Chapter 9:


Chapter 10:

Liar, Liar, Plants for Hire

Chapter 11:

Valinor's Good Influence on Bad People

Chapter 12:

Home Sweet Home

Chapter 13:

Sauron Broods a Bit

Chapter 14:

The Trial

Chapter 15:

Losing Power and Gaining Power

Chapter 16:

Grovelling vs. Bowing

Chapter 17:

Bowing Is Degrading

Chapter 18:

Trouble with Names

Chapter 19:


Chapter 20:

Sauron's Way of Dealing with Weakness

Chapter 21:

The Attack of the Hairbrush

Chapter 22:

Dark Lords Don't Cook

Chapter 23:

Horse Bad, Destructive Explosives Good

Chapter 24:


Chapter 25:

Off to Osse's We Go!

Part 1

Chapter 25:

Off to Osse's We Go!

Part 2

Chapter 26:

The Dangers of Rolling Pins

Chapter 27:

Stupid Illogical Table Settings and Elven Customs

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